About Us
Our Ethics
- Corruption & BriberyThe firm maintains zero tolerance for corruption, bribery and any unethical means of doing business or achieving legal results.
- Sexual ExploitationThe firm also maintains zero tolerance towards sexual exploitation, harassment or abuse and all forms of gender discrimination.
- Child Abuse & Related ActsWe maintain zero tolerance for child exploitation, human/child trafficking, pedophilia and all forms of child abuse.
- Money Laundering & Financial CrimesWe also maintain a zero-tolerance policy on all forms of money laundering, terrorism and the financing of terrorist activities.
- Inclusion & DiversityWe maintain a strict policy of inclusion and diversity and maintain zero tolerance for tribalism, ethnicism, partisanship and discrimination in all its forms.
- Respect for the Constitution & Legal InstitutionsWe maintain a strict policy on respect for the Constitution of Sierra Leone, international treaties and norms and adherence to the rule of law.
- Non Violent Means to End DisputesWe maintain a strict policy of non-violent means of resolving conflicts and disputes such as through litigation, mediation, negotiation, conciliation, advocacy and ethical lobbying.
- Result & Service Delivery Oriented We are result and service delivery oriented, we therefore maintain a strict work and time policy delivering accurate results within the shortest possible time.