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Saramba Kandeh

Ms. Kandeh is a Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of Sierra Leone with over ten years of local and international legal experience. She has expertise in International Human Rights Law, International Law, Women, Peace, and Security, and Conflict, Security, and Development. She has served as a Legal and Gender Advisor for AIDS-Free World, an international advocacy organization since 2016. She is also part of the legal team working to bring a civil action against Yahya Jammeh, the former president of The Gambia, on behalf of people living with HIV/AIDS. Before joining AIDS-Free World, she worked with The Advocates for Human Rights in Minnesota U.S.A as an International Justice Research Fellow.

In Sierra Leone, Ms. Kandeh provided a wide range of legal services to individuals and companies while working at the Law Firm of Tejan-Jalloh and Dabor, as well as to abused women, and indigent Sierra Leoneans through her work with several local NGOs. These include, among others, Timap for Justice, as its Deputy Director, a local NGO that provided essential justice services through community-based paralegals, and AdvocAid Sierra Leone, as Duty Counsel, where she represented female accused persons in court regularly. She has served as the Public Relations and Organizing Secretary of Legal Access through Women Yearning for Equality, Rights and Social Justice (L.A.W.Y.E.R.S), and as Supervisor of the Human Rights Clinic, Fourah Bay College.

Ms. Kandeh is an alumna of the Women, Peace, and Security Fellowships at King’s College London/ African Leadership Centre, and a Junior Professional Fellow of the International Peace Institute (New York). During her fellowship at King’s, Ms. Kandeh undertook academic and technical training in the Masters in Peace, Security, and Development programme, which included an attachment with the ECOWAS Commission in Abuja, Nigeria, in 2010. She is currently a member of the Technical Committee of the Tana High-Level Forum on Peace and Security in Africa.

Ms. Kandeh holds a Master of Laws (LL.M) in International Human Rights Law from the University of Notre Dame law school (Indiana, U.S.A, 2014), a degree of Utter Barrister (Bar License Certificate) from the Council of Legal Education, Sierra Leone Law School (2009), and a Bachelor of Laws (LLB Hons.) from Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone (2008).